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Building the new local hospitalin Rhinebeck, NY

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What Our Partners Say About Us...

Our experience with TPG, and Lou Rodriguez, has been outstanding. He has consistently provided our District with impeccable service during our capital project. The Palombo Group worked collaboratively during all phases of our most recent construction project, from the initial design, to referendum, to bid, and construction. Throughout every step of the process, Lou’s experience and knowledge of the industry helped guide the district in a very challenging environment.

Dr. Joseph Morgan, Superintendent of Schools, Rondout Valley

Mr. Rodriguez has provided construction management services for a variety of projects including the renovation of nine science classrooms at our high school, security and technology upgrades district wide and major HVAC upgrades at the elementary school. In each of these projects pre-referendum services, including comprehensive construction budgets and detailed schedules, provided quality information to share with the residents of the district. Evidence of Lou’s commitment to the project, and the district, has frequently been displayed at project meetings. His knowledge of the construction documents, industry standards and the local market allow him to advocate for the district when challenged by prime contractors. I believe these attributes have served to minimize change orders and control costs.

Paul Finch, Superintendent of Schools, Red Hook Central School District
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